Friday, March 9, 2007

The Real Office [Part Dos] you ever wonder, if people just forget that other people, just maybe, just MAYBE, are around? The office process allows me to see an awkward array of a "special breed" of human being.

I was taking the 15th street exit and stopped behind a long row of cars at the red light. I thought, good, I have a few seconds to enjoy my cinnamon flavored quaker instant oatmeal I bought at the neighborhood Costco in a jumbo pack. I looked up and out the window on a pleasant overcast morning--and that's when I just about lost my appetite. I understand we all have to prepare ourselves in the car in the morning. Applying lipstick, or make up is totally fine. Even if you are dude that needs to shave in the car, I can even handle that. I mean heck, all of that is part of my saving time in the morning program (which is listed below). So I TOTALLY understand.

But this is where I draw the line with a permanent marker--or even blood.

This woman rolls down her window okay. And she takes her brush out, which looks like she got it at Pets Mart. And she starts ripping out the hair out of her brush like it was steel wool someone would use to clean off a pan. I was so disgusted! I truly understand it's necessary to do that, but does Austin really need to see that? And it was in front of everybody, and what made even more terrible was in the mist of ALL this traffic with engines, radios, and people talking on their cell phones...I could still hear her yanking the hair out of that brush. It was SO GROSS. And I kid you not, and I am so serious about this. She was SO busy getting this hair out, that when the light turned green she didn't notice--and of course she looks up and floors it. But before she floors the gas pedal, she gives the brush one more really good tug, and her hair flings into the face of the homeless guy on the corner of the stop light. HOW SAD ! So if you are that lady reading this right now. I'm not saying you are an icky person, but please, just do that in the privacy of your home where innocent people don't have to suffer from your hair pulling.

The people in my building are so strange. You can smell people from where they were. For example, I'll walk into an empty elevator, and know someone who was smoking just got off. I haven't been too misfortunate to smell something outside of that, just the regular ladies' perfumes. But that streak ended for me yesterday when I was leaving the building. My brother told me the reason why old people smell is because their bodies are rotting from the inside out. Well...I didn't believe it at the time, but now it might be true. I was in the elevator going down to the garage, when this old lady walked in. And you know when someone walks by you or something, a brief whisk of air brushes by you. Well that happened to me, except in the elevator...meaning that brisk of air just circulated in a wind tunnel around me because it had no where to go. The old lady's smell took physical form and turned into a white powder mixed with perfume solidified cough syrup and into my lungs. And what's worse, and this type of stuff always happens to me. The old lady gets off the elevator, but I still have to go down a few levels. But then right before I get to my level, a young lady, of course beautiful walks in while the smell is still in the elevator...I just KNOW she was thinking , wow...this guys smells like a dirty hooker monkey's bottom.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

The Real Office [Paul Wu Edition]

I was at the church the other day, and the pastor said that over 90% of Americans will spend more time at work, than they will with their own family...90% .... so what'd ya think of that, huh? And in the words of a wise Texas Tech man, "Yep...I believe it, so you better be really likin' what you do."

But what is office life really like? Is it about guarding your lunch from your fridge. Heaven forbid a person experiences an episode where Ross gets his turkey sandwich stollen.

I will tell you what real office life is like for the Wu ... So I will title this piece, "What real office life is like...for the Wu."

First of all. In a nut shell, you wake up, put on a clean pair of pants, put on a suit, tie. Sit in rush hour--get to work. Work all day. Leave work. Sit in rush hour. By the time you get home, it's dark. and by the time you finish eating dinner, shower, and watch the hit fox tv show The American's already time to go to bed, multiply that routine times Cinqo (five for you non spanish speaking folks) tell me that's not depressing.

But here are a few helpful tips, to allow you to speed up your morning allowing you to get that extra ten minutes to your snooze.
Tip One: Before you do anything, Microwave your breakfast and then proceed to brushing your teeth, putting on your clothes--By the time your done with that, you can just grab your food out of the microwave and run to your car.

Tip Two: Get your clothes that you want to wear the next day ready the day before...but don't physically do that because that would require too much work (it's also a bad idea because you'll be thinking about work the night before and you don't want to do that). Mentally get a picture of what you want to wear so you're not sitting there thinking how you will match for people who don't care what you look like.

Tip Three: Any piece of clothing that can be done safely at a speed of 5 mph in rush should be put on in the car. For example, if you wear a tie don't spend extra minutes in front of the mirror trying to tie it on. For every minute you leave later from your house is an extra 5 minutes in rush hour.

Tip Four: If you are new to America due to being outsourced from your country because you work for a giant company like Rice-A-Roni, FYI- that nice woman or man in rush hour who sticks that center finger at you -- they're just saying hi, but whatever you do. just know it's custom to never return the favor. But in any case ignoring them will save you about 30 seconds, and we all know every second counts when going to work.

Tip Five: I'm eating Hair-o-bo gummy bears right now and they are delicious

Tip Six: When that elevator that you wait for finally comes down to the parking garage and its doors open, hurry up and walk in, if you see someone sprinting to catch, hurry up and press the close door button, but make sure you work in a building where that button actually works, because if it doesn't, you just look like a major jerk face. lol im jk you should always wait.

Things that make office likfe awkward or painful:
-The printer is so jacked up, I almost took a thee ring hole punch to shove it in there just to "fix" it. The printer will never work, and whoever you work for will never pay to fix it, because printers are a post Nazi conspiracy and cost an arm and a leg.

-When someone in your office coughs, but then you think it sounds like a sneeze, so you say "Bless You" , it just makes you look like your uneducated and you went to some community college in Oklahoma. (*if you are reading this and attend a community college in Oklahoma, I commend you and fully support you in your pursuit of higher educaiton-Vote Paul Wu for President 2048).

-When someone in your office is finishing up those last drops of water, from a wonderful bottle of Ozarka, and the bottle begins to crackle and make that sucking not speak un Jesus like things to them expressing how annoying that is.